Friday, October 17, 2008
Obama or McCain?
Hello everyone, my name is Auburn! I have created this blog in order to examine and explore the reasoning toward voting for a particular presidential candidate. With the upcoming election, I continue to remain uncertain as to which president will best suit our nation. Also in my decision, I want to be able to say that my vote is my true opinion and that no other individual has influenced my selection. Therefore, I ask everyone who visits my blog to leave their comments and help, not just myself, but all those who remain unsure about the "right" candidate. The first question I will raise to spark conversation is, what, if any, is the causal relationship between the vote of one's parents and the vote of one's self?
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Yes Auburn I think especially for college aged individuals, many of us base our voting decisions on our parents influence. I know that for me, my parents basically tell me who to vote for for the races that I know little about. I think that as we grow up we listen to our parents and a lot of what they say about candidates and political opinions influence what we think. I know of only a few of my peers that have political opinions that are different from that of their parents. Perhaps as we do grow older we will open our ears and our minds to different opinions, but for the time being we go with what we have.
Parents are an invaluable influence on the minds of their children. It is said that "Mother is god in the eyes of her child" and that is true with politics as well. The effect of a parent can be either direct or indirect. A parent can be straight forward and explicitly tell their views to their child or lead by example through morals and the family dynamic. Very rarely do you find a family where the parent strives to let the child make their own decision and not force their own opinions. I personally find that these types of families produce more misguided and unloved children with weaker convictions and contribute to the swaying political middle which threatens this country
I do believe that the political beliefs of one's parents plays a large role in how that individual thinks politically. However, I also believe that the individual will also make up their own minds on political issues by their past experiences and by their own set of morals and values. Most parents will express their political views to their children, but it is the responsibility of the children to look into issues or candidates for themselves. Most parents don't just say "Vote for McCain, or Vote for Obama." Parents usually give their opinions of each candidate and let their children decide if they agree or disagree. I do agree that these opinions, just by coming from parents, can be very influential to the individual, but ultimately parents do not make up the individual's mind for them. The choice between political issues or candidates resides within the individual and only the individual.
"Auburn"--if, in fact that is your real name.... I think you haven't formulated an opinion because, instead of being biased toward one candidate or the other, your bias is toward being the typical "uninformed ignorant American"... Why can't you formulate an opinion--the mass media has done nothing else for 2 years then give you EVERY tid-bit of info on both candidates? Is there something racial that makes it hard to decide? Is there something age-ist that makes it difficult? And yes, who cares what your parents think--do they control ALL your other thinking--tell you what boys to date--etc..--I'm sure not so--it's BS to suggest that they might be influencing your indecision here....
I think there is definitely some relationship between young voters and their parents. I think that as voters mature and get older they are less likely to be influenced by their parents. However, most individual’s beliefs are based on what they learn as children when they are surrounded by their parents and greatly influenced by their parent’s views, so to some degree voters may always be influenced by their parents or parental figures. Additionally, I think this influence can be seen in voting the same way as their parents, or on the other end of the spectrum, it can be seen in voting against what their parents would vote for. Furthermore, I think that how one votes is ultimately determined by their own set of beliefs, parents just happen to be one influence on beliefs for many individuals.
In regards to drbradhammer's comment...
when you say that "the mass media has given EVERY tid bit of information to me", I look back on many examples of contradicting information. This contradicting information makes it more difficult to formulate an opinion because when the media sways their material to be either encompass democratic or republican views.
Also in your biased comment stating that my parents are influencing my indecision, I totally disagree with you. My parents, and I'm sure most other parents, sway our decisions both directly and indirectly. I think that it is BS to suggest that parents and other individuals have no influence on our opinions.
auburn, i must say i disagree with you. you seem wishy-washy and shallow. go die.
I think that as young voters many look to others for opinions due to the fact that they are not as informed about all the issues that presidents are for and against and look to not only their peers but especially thier parents for insight. Especially during college, many people are bombarded with work and activities giving them little time to learn about other things such as politics and the election and so young voters tend to sometimes look to people they trust (i.e. their parents) who they think are well educated and informed and know what is best and thus vote for who they did thinking that's what is right.
Auburn, i disagree with your last comment. One's vote is not always based on their own view and are influenced by their parents views, because most see this as the easy way out and are just lazy so they just go with what their parents believe. I see this as a big problem in how the majority of the population votes, they don't even do any kind of research on the candidates or watch the debates.
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